Nepal Tour

Monday, March 9, 2020

Nepal's first destination on the world's must-have list !

Kathmandu. World-renowned Forbes Magazine reports that Nepal is one of the best destinations in the world. Forbes magazine discusses Nepal as the first of four places to visit around the world in 2020.
Travel blogger Catherine Parker Magger of Forbes magazine said Nepal is a destination with the best courage in the land. Forbes says Nepal is a great place for adventure tourism. Also, Forbes has described Nepal as a beautiful and peaceful place. The article written by Parker Magar mentions that there is great heavenly joy in climbing the mountains and mountains through the Tarai of Nepal. She mentioned in her article that there are many places to visit while visiting Nepal.

In the article, Parker said that the Karnali Lodge at Happy House, Bardiya Park, Falu, is very dear and comfortable. She also mentioned that she was very hospitable to the hotel and resort. Parker said the excursion to Chitwan, Bardiya National Park and the Himalayan region was fantastic.
Parker has placed Ecuador, New Zealand, Peru, Alaska, Brazil, Morocco, China, Finland and Kenya in the top 5 destinations, including Nepal at Forbes.

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