Nepal Tour

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Namche Bazaar has changed over five decades

An old map of Namche Bazaar does not appear when capturing a photo after 45 years from the same place. Now there is a miraculous development in this place. It looks like the beginning of human settlement five decades ago, and has now turned into one of the most beautiful tourist cities in the world. The routine and standard of living of the Namche residents, who have made a living from potato, maize and sugarcane, have also changed. Not traditional farming, tourist service and modern lifestyle have become their daily routine.
The actual appearance of Namche becomes apparent when looking at the photos captured by a Japanese tourist who toured five decades ago. He was given a gift photo to Sherpjungbu Sherpa, Namche hotel entrepreneur, when he was on tour again after three years. The photo shows Sherp, who was imprisoned for five years. In that photo, Namche's real face looks like the beginning of human settlement.

Three photos taken at different times from the same place (the current helipad hill) show the development sequence of Namche. At that time potato and maize were only used for plantation and in places where subsistence is available, they can now be utilized as a developed city. In the photo captured by Sherpjungwu Sherpa from the same location again in the last 2061 years, the recent development in Namche Bazaar appears. In this image, the old house is being demolished, and some new, some old structures seem to be transformed by Namche.

The old existence of Namche cannot be found in anything, even local elders say that it is difficult to remember the old form of Namche. Khumbu Pasang, also known as the heart of Solukhumbu, is also the main route to the Namche Bazaar Everest base camp in Lhamu Municipality-5. After being able to enjoy the facilities, foreign tourists and ascents also enjoy Namche. The essentials are transported by stuffing, stealing, yak, mule and helicopter. It is also the most expensive market in the country.

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